Already the favourite of all in Glasgow, Celica Marketing is for go-getters. Those who have been working for the company know this very well and those who have been associated with the company- clients or customers- have always been appreciating this. Celica, always riding the crest of the wave of success in event marketing, keeps this in mind while taking in new sales and marketing professionals and looks for streaks of professionalism and the go-getter attitude. Experience is secondary in the company's agenda when it comes to picking people to work for it. Of course experienced people are given due acknowledgement and taken in and given the right kind of placement. Their experience and expertise helps the company a lot. At the same time Celica takes in freshers, those who have in them the urge to go on and on. It's this spirit to make the most of professional calibre that makes Celica march ahead and remain on the top of affairs in the event marketing sector.